Week 3 the house seemed dirtier them ever, with a majority of the plastering complete. Both bedrooms were complete and looked horribly dingy in the dim light from the lose bulb hanging from a wire. The plumbing had been pretty much done with the new bedroom radiators in place, so now it was just a matter of waiting for the plaster to dry so that I could try out my new paint spraying machine!
Downstairs the kitchen was also getting some attention with the new roof being fitted to prevent anymore leaking and a roof light to try brighten up what was a pretty dark kitchen. I would have liked a bigger roof light, but that would have meant losing spotlights, which I think in this kitchen were more important.
At this stage of the project there wasn't much hands on work I could do myself, which was pretty frustrating as I am rather impatient when it comes to things like that!

The hole ready for the new roof light. The pipes have gone in for the new central heating system.

The new roof light

The new plasterboard ceiling is up. The old floor tiles are staying down and them just being skimmed ready for the now flooring.

The view looking down the kitchen to the garden which the old insulation hanging out!

We had to strengthen the stud wall for the new radiator in the living room, but in the future I'd like to move this radiator and replace with some smaller cast iron ones in the bay.

Main bedroom

Dirt everywhere!

The second bedroom is slowly drying out, but the edges and corners took ages! Which slowed me down when it came to decorating.

The landing was last to be plastered and you can see the damage I made above from ripping out the old linen cupboard.